Beta Theta Pi - The Ohio State University

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Theta Delta Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at the Ohio State University

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THETA DELTA OF BETA THETA PI ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 6835 LINBROOK BLVD COLUMBUS, OH 43235 Address Service Requested BQP THETA DELTA DRAGON Beta Theta Pi at The Ohio State University Q: Where are you originally from? What attracted you to The Ohio State University? A: I was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio, where I attended a very small catholic school. After graduating with only 33 other kids, I was really drawn to the idea of a large university. I also have family and friends who attended Ohio State, and this school is something I've always connected with. When the time came, it was an easy decision. Q: Why did you choose to join Theta Delta Chapter? A: Initially, I did not want to join Greek life. However, after some conversations with friends and family I decided to pursue it. After rushing a couple fraternities, I felt very comfortable being at Beta. Many of the brothers had similar interests as mine, and it felt like a perfect fit. Q: How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the active Chapter? A: It's certainly been tough. Obviously, we don't get to see guys like we used to, and that's been hard on everyone. Despite this, we've adapted to the difficult circumstances and found ways to overcome the hardships. Q: What steps have you taken to safely open the Chapter House amidst a global pandemic? A: We have mandated that masks be worn in all common spaces in the house and encouraged people to wear masks when they are around others. This includes when grabbing food, in a study room, and when working out. As with everything else, it's been a tough adjustment, but the guys have really embraced the changes and found ways to follow the rules while still having fun. Q: What have you learned from your position in the Chapter? A: I am currently the vice president of house operations, so I manage and oversee everyone who lives here along with any visitors coming in or out. Patience is what I would say is the biggest thing I have learned. Running a house with 40-50 guys at times is trying to say the least. However, this position has taught me to be able to take a step back to find solutions that best help everyone. Q: What activities are you involved in outside of Beta Theta Pi? What advice would you give to younger undergraduates about the importance of getting involved? A: Outside of Beta, I am involved in numerous intramural sports, and I am an active participant in BuckeyeThon. As my dad always tells me: "Everything in life needs to find balance," so I would pass that advice on. You can't fixate all your time and energy into one thing, or it can leave you feeling empty. Therefore, it is important to find balance in life and enjoy a multitude of different experiences in all circumstances. Q: How do you plan to take advantage of the opportunities provided to you as a Beta Theta Pi member? A: My position as house manager has been a real blessing and turning point in my life. Amidst a pandemic, I oversaw the coordination of an entire Fraternity home while maintaining communication with the Housing Corporation. As I eluded to earlier, it is not easy but has gifted me numerous life lessons that I would otherwise not have had. I have learned to be a better leader and a better person. I am ever grateful for this opportunity. Q: What has been your favorite memory or experience as an undergraduate? A: Living in the Chapter House has easily been the best decision I have ever made. I liked it so much that I wanted to run it! Living with your brothers and getting to experience college together is incredibly special. I tell all the guys during rush that living in the house is the best experience you can have in college, hands down. Q: Do you have a mentor or a brother who has impacted your experience? What did they do or how did they help you out? A: David Joseph '22 is someone who I've gotten very close with over the past 18 months. He is always ready to have fun while still maintaining the other aspects of his life. As I mentioned earlier with balance, David is the embodiment of that. He has taught me to not take life so seriously and to enjoy every moment. Q: What is your major? What do you future plans include? A: I am majoring in finance in the Fisher School of Business while also pursuing a minor in performance and organizational psychology. I am planning on attending law school upon graduation with hopes of doing so at Vanderbilt University. Q: Anything else to add? A: I just want to say thank you to all of our alumni for helping us through this semester with a special shoutout to Joe Chinnici '64 and the entire Housing Corporation. You guys believed in our ability to make this work despite the circumstances. While it was bumpy at times, together we overcame the obstacles and are very blessed to be living in such an incredible home. You can reach Jacob at Preparing for an Unprecedented Fall Semester Q&A with Vice President of House Operations Jacob Woeber '22 WEBSITE F Beta Theta Pi – The Ohio State University $ ConneCt with theta Delta online

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