Pi Kappa Alpha - Purdue University

Fall 2020 Newsletter

Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Purdue University

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Fall 2020 Candlelight Beta Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha • Purdue University Published by the Beta Phi Foundation 99 Y ear s at Pur d u e Maintaining Our Values in Adversity Beta Phi Embraces Safety in the Fall T o say 2020 has been bizarre might just be the understatement of the year. While we all find ourselves social distancing and following COVID-19 protocols, we also need to regain productive normality— both in our personal and fraternal lives. On the fraternal side, Beta Phi has navigated a safe reopening, and Chapter operations are underway. In the near term, we have cancelled our annual Pike Old Masters and cannot host an on-campus gathering around football. At the time of writing, the Big Ten has determined we will play an eight-game football schedule — without fans. Sadly, we also had to cancel our annual golf tournament — a first in 15 years of playing. However, onward we march! In the spring I wrote that we have established and endowed new scholarships, and we've worked through the year to provide these awards for our undergraduates. The Foundation is constantly exploring how best to manage the resources entrusted to us by our supportive and generous alumni. We have continued our meetings and management virtually this year, not letting the pandemic stand in the way of progress for Beta Phi. Apart from turmoil created by an invisible enemy, Greek Life continues its battle on other fronts. There is a national movement to disband Greek organizations due to perceived "discrimination." The words and deeds we have consistently conveyed in my 30-plus years with Beta Phi are quite the opposite. Each year, we invite "those whom we deem worthy of our regard" to join our Chapter. That's how young men become brothers of Pi Kappa Alpha: by embracing our values, including integrity, scholarship, and high moral character. We believe in the importance of virtue and commitment to living those values. We recognize that truth is the foundation of all lasting association, and we seek wisdom and knowledge while serving others in modesty and dignity. If an individual can make this commitment honestly, that is our test for membership. Period. ONCE A PIKE, ALWAYS A PIKE! The day will come when we can resume in-person fellowship and spend time with one another. We are already planning events for summer 2021, and big plans are underway for our 100-Year Anniversary in the fall of 2022! We invite everyone to join us each year, but if you have to choose, 2022 is the biggest year to put a visit on your calendar. Another priority is keeping our brothers involved and engaged with Beta Phi as they graduate. We are looking for graduates within the last 10 years to help us with events including reunions, golf outings, Old Masters, and the 100-Year Anniversary, to name a few. Perhaps, once involved, you'll decide to join one of the alumni boards. Since we already have a solid core of alumni involved, we believe you will find that the time commitment minimal and the rewards immeasurable. I invite you to contact me with questions about service to Beta Phi. In the bonds, Joe Conti '85 President, Beta Phi Foundation joe.conti@construcks.com | (715) 498-4498 Home Association Establishes Safety Procedures and Restrictions for the Fall T he Beta Phi Home Association's primary goal is to provide a safe and educational environment for our brothers. When it became clear last spring that we could not do so, we closed the Chapter House for the remainder of the semester and provided each brother with a $750 refund—a partial reimbursement, but an amount we could provide without putting ourselves in a financial bind. With Purdue University's decision to bring students back this fall and open its residence halls, we were obligated to fulfill our lease agreements. This came with additional costs, which we incurred attempting to accomplish our primary goal. Among the numerous policies, procedures, and expenses were the following: (Continued on page 2) Connect with Beta Phi Online f www.pikapurdue.org f www.purduepikes.org f Purdue Pikes l @PurduePikes i @purduepikes i Purdue Pikes www.linkedin.com/ groups/3716493

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