Desert Messenger

October 07, 2020

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WHAT'S INSIDE 2 Cibola Farmer's Bridge news 2 Christmas Light Parade 3 BBB grants 3 Census Deadline Extended 3 Food Handlers Class 3 Meet The Candidates Oct. 10 4 Early Voting in Quartzsite 5 The Salvation Army Updates 5 Local dies in crash 6 Editorial 6 Letter to Editor 8 Hunger Action Month 11 Salome High update 12 2-1-1 12 Dustpan on my coffee table 13 In Memoriam 13 More than smoke 14 Classifeds 14 Paul Winer's Cartoon 15 HerbMama 15 COVID-19 Update • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, October 7, 2020 VOL. 17 # 327 Now in our 1 7 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! Blood Drive planned for October 19 th GFWC Quartzsite Woman's Club is sponsoring a Blood Drive on Monday October 19th 9:00 am - 2:00 pm at the Community Center. Schedule your appointment to give blood at and pick your site as Quartzsite or call 877-25-VITAL (877-258-4825). Please bring your photo ID and donor card (if you have one). You must wear a face mask while you are in the building. Free cholesterol testing with every donation. Find the Hero in You and schedule your appointment. You can also call Anita 763-639-9330 to schedule an appointment. One unit of blood that is donated, can provide for 3 blood transfu- sions, so, in essence, you are helping 3 patients with your one unit (approximately 1 pint) of blood. It is estimated that 80% of the US population will need a blood transfusion in their lifetime. The blood you donate at your blood drive is tested, processed and delivered back into our local community hospitals to provide for surgery and chemo- therapy patients, people who have blood disorders, newborn babies, expectant mothers and - of course - traumatic situations, such as ac- cidents, shootings, etc. Several factors affect our community blood bank's supply of blood for hospital patients: 1. Donors have moved away or are traveling or working and are un- available to donate in their communities 2. Many donors are deferred due to low iron, dehydration, high or low blood pressure, medications, elevated pulse rate, blood disorders (ane- mia), or have traveled to restricted areas outside of the United States 3. Apathy - "someone else will donate, so I don't need to" 4. People assume that they are not eligible to donate due to age or health issues. For instance, diabetes does not always defer an indi- vidual from donating. Donor requirements: 1. Donors must be at least 17 years of age - ??? (no age limit) and in good health. 2. YOU MUST BRING A PIC- TURE ID WITH FIRST AND LAST NAME TO THE BLOOD DRIVE 3. Donors must weigh at least 110 pounds (height and weight restrictions pertain to donors be- tween the age of 17-22. 4. If you received your Tattoo from a shop in AZ it just needs to be healed before you can donate. The at least one year old rule no longer applies. 5. Donors must wait 56 days after their last donation before they are el- igible to donate for a single donation 6. Donors, who gave a double, must wait 112 days after their last donation before they are eligible to donate 7. Expectant mothers cannot donate 8. Donors must be in good health i.e., no cold, fl u or fl u like symptoms 9. Surgery patients are also tem- porarily deferred from donating (Call (1-877-827-4376 for specifi c information on the wait time be- tween donations.)

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