Official Kids Mag

August 2020

Official Kids Mag is specifically written for kids ages 5 to 12. It contains activities and stories ranging from kid heroes, cooking, gardening, STEAM, education, fun facts and much more every month.

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BoreDom jar! 21. Play dress-up. 22. Practice doing somersaults. 23. Draw a rainbow. 24. Make a crazy mixture with stuff you find in the refrigerator. 25. Empty all the trash cans in your house. 26. Play a sport outside. 27. Draw a family portrait. 28. Come up with names for your stuffed animals that don't have one. 29. Pretend you're a chef and serve your stuffed animals tea or lunch. 30. Put on a play. 31. Water the plants. 32. Write a letter to a soldier. 33. Build with Legos. 34. Look in the refrigerator and find something you've never eaten before, then try it. 35. Make homemade play dough and put on an art show. 36. Practice doing cartwheels. 37. Practice your instrument (if you play one.) 38. Help Mommy or Daddy make a meal. 39. Organize your toys. 40. Draw a picture of your bedroom. 41. Invent a new planet and draw a picture of it. 42. Make up a new superhero and draw his or her picture. 43. Make a list of everything you like. 44. Invent a new animal nobody's ever heard of, give it a name, and draw it. 45. Think up five cool Halloween costumes. 46. Build a fort with blankets. 47. Be Mommy's or Daddy's helper for the next 30 minutes. 48. Make a list of everything you're good at. 49. Find four things in nature and make something out of them. 50. Write a book about your favorite animal. 51. Take a bath. 52. Write a book all about you. 53. Make a boat and see if it floats. 54. Make an obstacle course. 55. Take photos of your favorite things in and around the house. 56. Read a book. 57. Clean your room. (Really!) 58. Draw a picture of your house. 59. Paint something. 60. Make a gift for someone. 61. Make homemade bubbles. 62. Make a treasure hunt with a treasure map. 63. Make something out of an empty box. 64. Make up a story that starts – My dog dug up something mysterious in my backyard today… 65. Make up a story that starts – Yesterday I met an alien…. 66. Make up a story that starts – I got a letter today that says I won $10,000… 67. Find shapes in clouds. 68. Create a family flag. 69. Make a musical instrument. 70. Build a time capsule. 71. Find something in your house that starts with every letter of the alphabet. 72. Have a picnic – indoors or outdoors. 73. Play with a toy you haven't played with in a while. 74. Learn five words in a different language. 75. Make and decorate paper airplanes. 76. Make a list of your favorite animals and draw them. 77. Draw a picture blindfolded. 78. Draw a picture with your feet. 79. Draw a picture with the opposite hand that you write with. 80. Make a pyramid out of playing cards. 81. Go and collect some stones and paint them. 82. Have a dance party. 83. Bake cookies. 84. Have a water balloon fight. 85. Wash the car. 86. Make a bookmark. 87. Pick a flower and draw it. 88. Draw what you want to be when you grow up. 89. Draw your favorite food. 90. Draw something with your favorite color. 91. Draw your pet. 92. Draw a place you'd like to visit. 93. Draw yourself. 94. Go to the library. 95. Play hopscotch. 96. Jump rope. 97. Groom your dog. 98. Do a jigsaw puzzle. 99. Make a bird feeder. 100. Make a rainwater collector. 1. Make 10 different animal sounds. 2. Draw a picture on the sidewalk with chalk. 3. Write a letter to someone. 4. Practice tying your shoes. 5. Take your dog for a walk. 6. Do 10 jumping jacks in every room in the house. 7. Call your grandma or grandpa. 8. Draw a dinosaur. 9. Find 5 toys you want to donate. 10. Clean one room in the house (mom's choice). 11. Clean one room in the house (your choice). 12. Color for 20 minutes. 13. Do 20 push-ups. 14. Put on a play. 15. See how many birds you can find in the backyard. 16. See how many bugs you can find in the backyard. 17. Do one chore (your choice). 18. Play a board game. 19. Play hide-and- go-seek. 20. Practice riding your bike. make a sometimes you get bored, and can't think of what to do! It's time to create a "Boredom Jar." ask your adult to cut apart the squares here and place them in a jar. or, you can come up with a list of things YoU like to do, write each of them down on a slip of paper and put all of the papers in the jar. the next time you're bored, choose 3 slips from the "Boredom Jar" and choose one of them to do. Keep adding ideas to the jar as you think of them. taa-daa!!! Boredom solved! 46 • August 2020 •

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