Up & Coming Weekly

July 28, 2020

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1273481

Contents of this Issue


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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM JULY 29- AUGUST 4, 2020 UCW 15 1 ZACH WILLIAMS & DOLLY PARTON There Was Jesus 2 FOR KING & COUNTRY, TORI KELLY, KIRK FRANKLIN Together 3 LAUREN DAIGLE You Say 4 KARI JOBE, CODY CARNES The Blessing 5 JEREMY CAMP Keep Me In The Moment 6 HOPE DARST Peace Be Still 7 CHRIS TOMLIN Who You Are To Me 8 BIG DADDY WEAVE Cory Asbury 9 LAUREN DAIGLE Still Rolling Stones 10 MICHAEL W. SMITH Waymaker ALL TOGETHER Let's face it. No one has had it easy during this pandemic. Your newspaper is reporting from the front lines the local stories of COVID-19 and its painful shutdown. We thank our talented journalists. But we've lost business, too. Like us, you're probably saying enough is enough. Let's work together as businesses reopen. We've got the engaged audience to share your advertising messages. Our ad staff stands ready to help. Newspapers are your best investment because we care most about local. NEWSPAPER POWER. Print, Digital & Social Solutions for your advertisers. NOW. Design by Metro Creative Graphics, Inc. www.upandcomingweekly.com Design by Metro Creative Graphics, Inc. Personal Injury Wrongful Death Rebecca Britton Business* Civil Litigation Foreclosures John Britton *MBA We go the distance with you. BrittonLawFirm.com 910-401-3356 M A G A Z I N E b y , f o r & a b o u t Fayeeville Women

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