Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.
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12 UCW JULY 8-15, 2020 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM SPONSORSHIPS AVAILABLE Individual & Team Players | Sign up now Golf Charity ursday, September 17, 2020 Gates Four Golf & Country Club • Registration: 9:30AM • Shotgun Start: 11AM • Texas Scramble Format • Dinner & Awards Following Tournament 2 6 T H A N N U A L For More Information Call 910-485-0555 or email admin@thecareclinic.org MATTHEW GROBOSKY, FTCC Paralegal Technology department chair. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcomingweekly. com. 910-484-6200. Do you enjoy watching shows like "How to Get Away with Murder," "Bull" or "All Rise"? Have you ever thought about a career in law? If you answered yes, then perhaps the parale- gal profession is the career choice for you. Although a paralegal cannot practice law, as a trained professional, they do much of the behind-the-scenes work that ultimately influences the final product. Some of the work involves interviewing clients, drafting legal documents, assisting in trials, conducting legal research and investigating the facts of a case. Being a paralegal can also lead to career advancement. Advancement opportunities may exist within a law firm or private business or as a steppingstone to law school. There are also career opportunities for paralegals outside the traditional legal field. Businesses recognize the value of employing paralegals. There currently is, and will con- tinue to be, an increase in the need for trained paralegals in such areas as finance, insurance, consulting and health care. At present, the U.S. Department of Labor proj- ects the need for paralegals will increase at a minimum yearly rate of 8% through the year 2024. The Bureau of Labor, U.S. Department of Labor, in its "Occupational Outlook Handbook," reports that as of May 2019, the median annual wage for paralegals and legal assistants was $51,740, an amount $11,930 higher than the median wage total for all occupations of $39,810. If you are ready for a rewarding and challenging career as a paralegal, then Fayetteville Technical Community College and its paralegal technology program are for you. FTCC offers two programs in paralegal studies: the associate degree in applied science program and the diploma program. The diploma program is a fast track for those who have already completed a bachelor's degree. Both programs are approved by the American Bar Association and the North Carolina State Bar Association. Both programs are excel- lent and will get you to the place you want to go. Classes for the 2020 fall semester begin Aug. 17. Register now for fall classes. You can also reach out to an FTCC admissions professional at admissions@faytechcc.edu. For a high-quality education at an affordable price, make the smart choice for your education. Also, make the smart choice to register early for your fall classes. FTCC is a place where you can pursue your dream career. FTCC is a military- friendly college and ranked fifth in the nation by Military Times Best for Vets (2020). Contact me if you have questions about the paralegal programs. I can be reached by phone at 910-678-7379 or by email at groboskm@faytechcc.edu. You can also visit the FTCC website at www.faytechcc. edu. Enter "paralegal" as a search term using the search tool on the homepage to read about pro- gram details for both the associate degree and diploma programs. FTCC's paralegal technology program offers rewarding career by MATTHEW GROBOSKY EDUCATION Although a paralegal cannot practice law, as a trained professional, they do much of the behind-the-scenes work that ultimately influences the final product.