Desert Messenger

May 20, 2020

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BREAKFAST ALL DAY! SOFT SERVE ICE CREAM! Chicken Quesadilla Quail Burger Arizona Omelet Crepes Arizona Burger Refried Potatoes ~ Free Wi-Fi ~ Ask About our Delicious Desserts! May 20, 2020 3 La Paz County offices return with new guidelines MOUNTAIN QUAIL C AFE Open 7am - 7pm 7 DAYS/ WEEK 928-927-8890 & Gift Shop 500 N. Moon Mt. Ave., Quartzsite (corner of Moon Mt. & Quail Trail) B-10, Main St. Moon Mountain X Quail Trail N Hwy. 95, N. Central • DAILY SPECIALS • Friday FISH Special • Sunday POT ROAST Enjoy our Famous Bread Pudding ! We're Open Every Day! WE'RE BACK OPEN! In response to Governor Ducey's announcement that the Stay at Home order in Arizona ended May 15th, La Paz County offi ces will returned to operations Monday, May 18th. In efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and protect public health in La Paz County, the following depart- ments have updated operations, hours and safe- ty precautions are being taken. Health Department – Appointment only ser- vices, due to being part of the response team to COVID-19. Immunizations remain every Tues- day, 8:00am – 4:00pm. Offi ce hours for phone calls, Monday – Thursday, 7:00am – 5:00pm. Food Handlers Certifi cations may continue to be done online. County School Superintendent – Offi ce hours are Monday-Thursday, 7:30am – 5:30pm. Lob- by will be closed to the public, but contact may be made via email addresses and phone calls. Jacque Price, School Superintendent, Michael Bellamy, Chief Deputy Ariana Flore, Senior Account Clerk afl Treasures Offi ce – Hours are Monday-Thursday, 7:00am – 6:00pm, with a lobby limit of one person at a time. County Attorney's Offi ce – Hours are Monday- Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm and the lobby will be closed to the public. Please call, email or fax the offi ce for appointments. Assessor's Offi ce – Hours are Monday-Thurs- day, 7:00am – 6:00pm, the offi ce will be closed to the public until further notice. Quartzsite Justice Court – Hours are Monday- Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Elections Offi ce – Regular hours of operation, Monday – Thursday, 7:00am to 6:00pm. Recorder's Offi ce – Closed to the public. Open for business telephonically, email, regular mail and appointment only if unable to accommo- date request. Beginning April 6th, hours are Monday – Thursday, 7:30am to 5:30pm. Please call (928) 669-6136 Fiduciary Offi ce – Appointment only, please call. County Libraries – Open Monday - Thursday, from 8:00am-4:00pm. Superior Court Clerk's Offi ce – Hours are Mon- day–Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Access to enter the clerk's lobby is temporarily limited to two peo- ple only. All visitors entering the lobby, attorneys included, must sanitize their hands before enter- ing and wear their own face mask/shield. Anyone without a face mask will not be permitted to enter the Clerk's lobby. Anyone who may have been ex- posed to COVID-19 must inform court staff prior to entering the Clerk's Offi ce, and anyone exhibit- ing COVID-19 like symptoms or who reports ex- posure to COVID-19 will not be permitted to enter the Clerk's Offi ce. Most matters may be resolved telephonically. To make an appointment or speak to a Clerk, please call 928-669-6131 or email lapa Superior Court – Courts shall remain open, but to the degree permitted by law, all parties shall appear by phone, Polycom or other court-ap- proved video conferencing unless they are an es- sential party. The U.S. Centers for Disease Con- trol protocols for social distancing and limiting the number of people in a courtroom SHALL be observed. To maintain the recommended social distancing, only essential personnel, to include parties, attorneys, victims, victim's representa- tives, law enforcement, probation and media may attend court in person and only when abso- lutely necessary. Large groups and non-essential visitors are prohibited from attending court at this time. Anyone who may have been exposed to COVID-19 must inform court staff prior to en- tering the courtroom, and anyone exhibiting CO- VID-19 like symptoms or who reports exposure to COVID-19 will not be permitted to enter the courtroom. All persons entering the courtroom, attorneys included, must sanitize their hands before entering, wear their own face mask, and submit to the taking of their temperature using a contactless radar-type thermometer. Anyone without a face mask and/or with a tempera- ture above 100.4 degrees will not be permitted to enter the courtroom. Face masks such as ski masks or other masks that cover all or the ma- jority of a person's face will not be permitted in the courtroom. Questions regarding which hear- ings require an in-person appearance should be directed to the Judicial Assistant. Parker Justice Court – Hours are Monday-Fri- day, 8:00am – 5:00pm. Currently not accepting cash, only money orders, cashier's checks and credit cards. Asking the public not to bring any additional people with them if they have court, as only defendants are allowed in the court room. Also encouraging any contact to the court be via email at or phone 928-669-2504 with any questions and/or if they are feeling sick. Salome Justice Court is going to require that everyone that wants to enter the building wear masks and that their temperature will be taken, this includes employees. If they are sick, feel sick or think that they may have been exposed to not come to the court and to call instead. Only one person is allowed in the lobby at a time. Every- one must maintain a 6-foot distance from other people. Most proceedings will be done by Zoom or Skype. The Courtroom will be limited to par- ticipants only. For details visit

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