Alpha Tau Omega - University of Nebraska-Linocln

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Gamma Theta Chapter of Alpha Tau Omega - University of Nebraska-Linocln

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A-Tau Observer 2 Looking to the Future Active Chapter Moves Forward with Campus and Chapter House Shut Down A t the time of writing this, the University of Nebraska has completely shut down operations due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, we had to close the chapter house for the time being and hope for a return in the fall. Because of this shutdown and closure, we had to cancel many of the events that we had planned for this spring semester. Even though the semester was shortened, the men of ATΩ achieved many things and made lasting memories. Recruitment Chairmen Cade Fisher '18, Nick Lamb '18, and Will Turner '18 brought in another healthy spring class with eight new members. That brings our freshman class size up to 40 with our total membership now at 112. I am excited to say that the Gamma Theta Chapter shows strong growth throughout our recruitment efforts. After this summer's class, we are looking to be above 130 members. Academically, our fall GPA was a 3.09, which is well above the UNL all-men's average. This year's spring philanthropy event took place with the young women of Gamma Phi Beta, as we raised over $5,000 for Girls on the Run. Spring formal was held in St. Louis this year, and the members expe- rienced a Mardi Gras they will never forget. We had 20 of our newly initiated members attend the Emerging Leaders Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, where they gained valuable knowledge about leadership and learned about the five values of ATΩ. To close out, I would like to extend my sincerest thank you to all of our alumni brothers and our Board of Directors. None of what we have would be possible without the time and dedication every- one puts in to help support Gamma Theta. The mentorship they provide helps us to stay true to our motto: America's Leadership Development Fraternity. I am honored to represent all of you as the president of Gamma Theta and hope to hear some new alumni stories the next time you stop by the house. Love and Respect, Nate Allgood '18 Chapter President (708) 446-1285 / Gamma Theta Chapter officers receive certification for training in suicide prevention. Chapter President Nate Allgood '18 and Vice President Robert Burton '17 at the President Retreat in Indianapolis. Brothers at the Pancake Man philanthropy event, partnering with the women of Gamma Phi Beta. Alpha Tau Omega and Gamma Phi Beta teaming up for intramural soccer. President Nate Allgood '18 Chicago, Ill. (708) 446-1285 nathana360@ Vice President Robert Burton '17 Lincoln, Neb. Chaplain Tommy Simon '18 Omaha, Neb. Risk Manager Shea Koolen '18 Lincoln, Neb. Treasurer Calvin Kyker '18 Lincoln, Neb. Historian Luke Babington '18 Edwardsville, Ill. Sergeant-at-Arms Alex Nielsen '18 Omaha, Neb. Membership Educator Tom Searl '18 Omaha, Neb. Secretary Dane Hickey '19 Omaha, Neb. Rush Chairman Cade Fisher '18 Rushville, Neb. (308) 360-3947 cadefisher2018@ CHAPTER OFFICERS

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