Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University
Issue link: http://www.epageflip.net/i/1217181
The lion's lore A PublicAtion of the KAnsAs betA chAPter of sigmA AlPhA ePsilon sPring 2020 I t has been a great year for Kansas Beta so far. The chapter house continues to be full each semester. We are striving to be the best chapter at K-State and the best ΣAE chapter in the nation. Kansas Beta aspires to be the top chapter in terms of academics, athletics, social events, philanthropy, and community service. These goals are well within our reach thanks to the dedication of our members and alumni alike. We initiated 27 members last fall, all of whom have incredible leadership, academic, and athletic potential. Many of them are already stepping into leadership roles. We also initiated three new members this spring. All brothers are working hard to achieve the following goals. • Finish in the top three for grades in the spring 2020 semester • Finish in first place for intramurals for the 2019-20 school year • Win Fraternity of the Year at K-State • Win the Zeal Award from ΣAE National SCHOLASTIC SUCCESS Academic excellence is a top priority at Kansas Beta. The hard work of the brothers has manifested itself with a 3.51 all-chapter GPA for the past semester. Nearly a quarter of our members achieved a 4.0 GPA, and 56% achieved a 3.5 or higher. ΣAE's fall GPA was good for third place out of the 22 fraternities at K-State. Additionally, our GPA was much higher than the all-fraternity average of 3.21 and the all-university men's average of 2.97. I am very proud of the hard work our brothers have done. GOING FOR GOLD Kansas Beta finished second among KSU fraternities on campus in intramurals for fall 2019. Our soccer team performed very well, securing bronze. Our individual members showed some incredible grit and hustle, winning seven individual intramural championships. We have our eyes set on first place in intramurals for this school year. PHILANTHROPIC PRIDE Our philanthropic endeavors are a huge part of what defines us at Kansas Beta. We love raising money for good causes, especially if it means partnering with another one of the great Greek organizations at K-State. Last fall, we were lucky to be able to partner with the women of Zeta Tau Alpha to host a Caturday Cookout, where we barbecued and cheered on the Wildcats at a K-State football game. We also held a second event at the house, selling Chick-fil-A sandwiches drive-thru style in the front circle drive. OTHER NEWS • Four freshmen are holding executive positions for the spring semester. • Ben Driver '23 showed great work ethic, earning Practice Player of the Week honors for the K-State football team in late October. • Five brothers are serving on student government: Governmental Relations Chairman Justin Watkins '22, Senators Blaine Snyder '21 and Fischer Carr '22, and At-Large Committee Members Cashe McVey '23 and Blake Steele '23. • Recruitment is off to a strong start. The recruitment team has met with more than 80 prospects. THANK YOU, ALUMNI! We are very grateful for the continued alumni support and leadership. If you find yourself in the Manhattan area, we would love for you to swing by the chapter house to visit. Fraternally, Fischer Carr '22, Chapter President fischercarr4@gmail.com Raising the Bar at Kansas Beta Undergraduate Brothers Set Aggressive Goals for 2020 David Grammer '23, Bret Ambrosier '23, Ben Driver '23, and Cashe McVey '23 celebrate a victory over Oklahoma last fall. Brothers participate in Zeta Tau Alpha's football philanthropy event, Tackle the Cure. Kansas Beta's ultimate frisbee team.