Sigma Chi - Gettysburg College

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi at Gettysburg College

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2 The BATTLEFIELD SIG T he beginning of the year marks another opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments of our great chapter and to set new goals that will help us improve. Theta Chapter of Sigma Chi prides itself on its standing as the premier leadership organization at Gettysburg College. As a result of the dedication and hard work of the past administration, we received the highest overall score during the 2019 Fraternity/ Sorority Annual Evaluation Process. This feat marks the only instance of a male fraternity placing first in the rankings since the evaluation process was introduced. We can now add this achievement to a list that includes our recent placement as the fourth highest performing chapter in the Sigma Chi Fraternity at large. Thus, the state of the chapter is one of great pride for what we have done and great excitement to see what more we can do. STRENGTHENING THE BROTHERHOOD We will not rest on our laurels. Our new executive board is determined to further develop our strengths and eliminate our weaknesses. The mission: solidify our chapter as a key element of the Gettysburg community and be recognized as an unparalleled leadership opportunity for men of good character on campus. We wish to ensure that one's decision to join our ranks represents the best possible decision that an undergraduate can make, one which allows him to grow as a leader and to be immersed within an experience of true brotherhood. We are seeing continued interest from potential new members, and we have plans to take a spring semester new member class for the second consecutive year. We are also making more connections with non- Greek organizations on campus, reaching out to underrepresented students, and further involving our parents. These initiatives have made us an obvious partner and resource for a variety of campus groups who recognize us as men who honor our commitments to the fullest extent. FOCUSED ON LIVING OUR CORE VALUES In my estimation, our chapter is on the precipice of reaching its full potential. The necessary elements are in place: a comprehensive committee system, strong allies, and, most significantly, a dedicated and capable brotherhood. I hope that throughout my term as Consul, I will have shown my love for this chapter and my brothers. I want the entire campus and International Fraternity to know us as the premier collegiate leadership organization that we are, and I want to lead more young men toward the White Cross—men who will remain staunchly committed to their lifelong obligation as Sigma Chis. The world expects more of us than it does of other men. And therefore, I am honored and excited to represent the Theta Chapter. In Hoc, Justin T. Letizia '21 Consul TheTa ChapTer STayS True To Sigma Chi'S ViSion Ranks No. 1 in Gettysburg College Fraternity/Sorority Annual Evaluation Process Our brothers gathered in front of the new brick garden before extending bids on Bid Day. Theta teamed up with A∆Π for the These Hands Don't Haze awareness campaign. Consul Justin Letizia '21 | (215) 620-6859 Pro Consul Mike Hreben '21 Quaestor Jack Kenyon '21 Kustos Danny Petrillo '21 Magister Conor Stafford '22 Tribune Giacomo Coppola '22 Recruitment Chairman Ries Faller '22 | (203) 451-6657 Scholarship Chairman Nate Moore '22 Brotherhood Chairman Paul Ivans '21 Philanthropy Chairman Jack Lueddeke '21 Ritual Chairman Matthew Urbano '21 Social Chairman Alex Bobeczko '21 Equity and Inclusion Chairman Luke Matzke '21 IFC Chairman High Garst '20 Peterson Chairman Sam Jagolinzer '22 House Manager Ryan Barrera '22 Risk Manager Patrick Canty '22 Historian Jack Edelson '21 Chapter Editor Will Hopkins '22 Annotator Jake Singleton '22 Chapter Advisor Richard Krisch, Pittsburg State '73 | (717) 475-7689 Chapter Officers

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