Desert Messenger

April 03, 2013

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6 DESERT MESSENGER Quartzsite s FREE Community Paper Founded by Walt Akin October 1, 2004 P�������� �� P���� R��� P��������� C�. P.O. Box 3185 Quartzsite, AZ 85359 P�������� ����� � ����� 1st & 3rd Wednesday Sept. thru May with Special Summer Editions June, July & August EDITOR/PUBLISHER Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear CONTRIBUTING JOURNALIST Joanne Winer GUEST COLUMNIST Louise Rouse GUEST COLUMNIST Jedidiah Free GUEST COLUMNIST The late Rosalee O Wheeler GUEST COLUMNIST Violet Kiss CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Starr BearCat NAME PLATE LETTERING Paul Winer E-mail: Copyright 2013 Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Desert Messenger. LIKE US on DesertMessengerNews FOLLOW US on Twitter @QuartzsiteRain A Quartzsite Licensed Business 928-916-4235 541-218-2560 Copyright 2013 By Shanana "Rain" Golden-Bear EDITORIAL "Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future." ~Deepak Chopra It's so easy to continue the "We've always done it this way," mantra. When I was promoted to Special Projects Coordinator at a local newspaper in northern California, the long term employees didn't quite know how to handle my new-fangled ideas. What the heck is this young whipper snapper doing telling us how to run our affairs? Yessiree, it was a challenge, but I enjoyed the opportunity. They warmed up to me when they realized I was not taking away from them; but I was adding to the success they had already achieved. Last weekend, I decided I needed a break. My mother used to tell me, "You're not running away, you're running towards something." So I ran towards a fun weekend, experiencing new activities. We drove to Tempe to experience the famous Rainforest Cafe. We ordered an appetizer, but our LETTERS TO EDITOR POLICY Desert Messenger encourages letters from its readers. Letters should be no longer than 300 words, and may be edited for grammar, content and length. OPINIONS EXPRESSED HERE DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT THOSE OF THE DESERT MESSENGER. We invite you to not only see a problem, but search for the solution to share with the community, keeping the bene�it of all in mind. Letters considered libelous, in poor taste, on a personal issue, mean spirited or dominated by Scripture quotes will not be published. Third party letters will not be accepted. To avoid confusion over people with common or similar names, writers must provide a full name and indicate the name they are known by. Writers must provide a full street address and phone number. Rvers can provide the location of park/BLM land, etc. Street addresses will not be published. Phone numbers are for veri�ication only and will not be printed. Mail letters to: Desert Messenger, P.O. Box 3185, Quartzsite, AZ 85359 or E-mail to: 541-218-2560 April 3, 2013 entree arrived first. Upon hearing this the manager appeared within secondsreally, within seconds! I later learned the employees wear headsets to keep in touch. The manager apologized, said the entree was on the house, just like that! Now, that's customer service! (It was unusual to be on the receiving side, as I was a restaurant manager in another life, often giving food away when my own employees "goofed".) I was so impressed with my experience, I shared the story with the manager of the motel, the gas attendant, and of course my friends, and now I'm telling the world. That free $15.99 appetizer brought more positive energy and publicity than arguing who was right or wrong. Taking care of a "goof" right away showed he and his servers really cared and understand the power of great customer service (and word of mouth). I taught my children they are going to make many mistakes; just learn from them; that's all part of growing up. I also showed them mine. If we let our mistakes consume our thoughts, we become "a prisoner of the past." To learn from our mistakes is to move forward in life. We all have choices on how to deal with what's thrown at us. We can choose to place blame on others, or just pony up and own our actions. When I took the plunge changing printers, I learned so much in the process. By honoring sustainable printing, Desert Messenger is becoming a "pioneer of the future." What is sustainable printing? It's the paper. Recycled, reuseable, renewable and biodegradable. Sustainable Forestry. All virgin paper fiber comes from sustainable forests in North America certified by third-party chain of custody organizations. This ensures that the paper comes from forests managed by people who care about maintaining the forest-eco system and long-term health of over 133 million acres. Paper Recovery. All paper waste from our new printing company is presorted for recycling. Every paper fiber that is not sent to the customer gets sorted and recycled. This means that the wrappers covering the rolls of paper to the waste paper that comes off the press to the paper cores that hold the printable paper gets recycled. Recycled Paper. All 30# newsprint contains recycled Post Consumer Waste (PCW). Where available, the PCW recycled content is as much as 100%. All of our recycled paper is Processed Chlorine Free. It's the ink. Soy-based inks are used, reused, then recycled. These inks are manufactured solely with soybean based oils and exceed the American Soybean Association (ASA) requirements for soybean-base oil content. These inks emit virtually no VOC emissions, and their bio-renewable resources attribute helps conserve our world's natural resources. It's the plate. Process-free plates eliminate Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) and reduce water usage dramatically. Renewable Printing Plates. The printing plates are made out of the same aluminum used to make soda cans. This means that all of our plates are 100% recycled. Along with the direct-to-plate process the imaging abilities are waste free. It's the press. Using Cold-Set presses vs. Heat-Set reduces the amount of VOC's put into the air by 98%. Heat Set Inks need heaters to "cook" the ink into the paper. Large ovens then "cook" off the high levels of VOC's emitted from these inks. Coolers are then used chill the paper. Cold Set inks require none of the excessive energy or expel VOCs into the atmosphere. It may have taken awhile, but we are finally moving into the future! I invite Quartzsite to join the future, while honoring our past! 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