Desert Messenger

April 03, 2013

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April 3, 2013 21 Astrological Perceptions by Barbara Lee Aries: March 21 to April 19- "I AM" Is it time to save face for something that has recently been exposed? Did you let the cat out of the bag? You have so much going on right now that it may be hard to keep your story straight. With the New Moon in Aries on April 10th you will be able to put the past behind you and so will they. Taurus: April 20 to May 20- "I Have" What you see is what you get, now is the time to take the mask off and allow others to see who you really are. No sense in trying to hide behind empty promises, actions speak louder than words. So put your best intentions out there and move forward with what you say you will do! Gemini: May 21 to June 20- "I Think" It appears that you may be hanging on to an air balloon or have gone on a magic carpet ride, and can't touch the ground yet. Expansion is equal to the words needed to express the life force within you. Momma says it is time to come back down to earth; it takes time and effort for dreams to come true, you have to be willing to do the work. Cancer: June 21 to July 22- "I Feel" You live in a sea of emotions, is the water clear or murky? What have you been feeling lately that makes you see the world from such jaded eyes? Life depends on you and what you are willing to give of yourself. Who are you and what do you want to be when you grow up? You know it is the journey. Leo: July 23 to August 22- "I Will" I would avoid any and all confrontations with Scorpio women at any cost, at least until the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on April 25th. You will be having enough intense emotions of your own, so take some space to integrate the new energies in your life. Virgo:August 23 to Sept. 22- "I Analyze" This is the time of year for you where challenges become a bountiful harvest later this Fall. Spring is the time to plant seeds of what you want to mani- Pisces:Feb. 19 to March 22- "I Believe" You survived Mercury Retrograde in your sign last month! Now just go through your finances with a fine tooth comb to make sure everything adds up like it should. Do what you need to do to pull your energies together. Mercury retrograde scattered the energy in your life, time to regroup! Barbara Lee Copyright 2012 Wildwood Botanicals (208) 773-7822 © 2013 Barbara Lee fest on all levels, prosperity and abundance in all areas of your life. If you can use all your senses you can have everything you desire. Libra: Sept. 23 to Oct. 22/23- "I Balance" You can be very compassionate because with your Libra mind you think things through so much and see the opposite side of every issue that you are not one who jumps to conclusions, how refreshing. Mother Mary would be very proud. You can still be a powerful peace maker and speak your truth. Scorpio: Oct. 23 to Nov. 21/22- "I Transform" A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in your sign on April 25th will be very powerful!! Tread lightly, avoid conflict but be sure and focus on the positive. Exercise this month will save you and your relationships. Do whatever you need to do to feel balanced, take care of you first! Sagittarius: Nov. 22 to Dec. 21- "I Perceive" Are you still playing the field, any chance of feeling more settled in the near future? Does impatience have the best of you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might consider trying a life style change and enroll yourself into a yoga and meditation class. Capricorn: Dec. 22 to Jan. 19- "I Use" Your creative efforts have really paid off, and this is only the beginning. You are creative about your work so much so that it has become your passion. How wonderful to have your passion support you and your family. In your efforts to be happy pay close attention to your body care needs. Aquarius: Jan. 20 to Feb. 19- "I Know" There still seems to be some serious issues left over from 2012 in the relationship arena that need to be dealt with. Partnerships are headed for change in the upmost positive ways. Be strong and don't settle for less. Focus on yourself and everything else will come around, be the lightworker that you are and shine your light. SCOTT FROM PAGE 17 When Ben was big enough to handle the levers on a whim (a horse or mule operated hoist. The animal pulling a wheel around in a circle to wind the cable and draw a container of water from the well), he hoisted water in the summer and came home to go to school in the winter, then back again to operate the whim for grandpa and water the cattle. When WWII broke out Ben and Tommy (Thomas) both enlisted in the US Army Air Force: Ben as an Engine Mechanic and Thomas as a Cook. Ben was very active in the American Legion in Quartzsite. He was very proud to wear the royal blue satin jacket and cap with the name American Legion on them. In 1991, Ben was Grand Marshall of the Hi Jolly Daze Parade; he rode in a surrey drawn by a team of beautiful horses. Then Quartzsite's town council proclaimed November 17th to be Scott's Family Day. Ben helped his mother, Angela with the cattle business and continued with the cattle business after her death. He worked the very large range of the Scott Ranch, riding from the Leadwell Windmill, south to the Two-mile Windmill (the home windmill on the ranch in Quartzsite), then continued south to the Eight-Mile Windmill and corrals (now called La Paz Valley). Next he would ride east to the TwelveMile (near Crystal Hill), and then on further east to the last windmill at the Scott's Ranch up in the Kofa's. Ben chewed three kinks of tobacco all at once – Copenhagen (snuff), Beechnut (looseleaf) and a day pay plug tobacco. He had a white pickup with brown stains down the driver side from him spitting out the window. Continue reading in the next miniseries Hi Jolly Cemetery's Pioneers – Who Were They? about with the next 4 Scott children – riding, ranching, dancing and working hard alongside each other and their parents, Angela and Wm. Scott. HIGH SPEED INTERNET available EVERYWHERE! • Get speeds as FAST as 12mbps (Where available) • Up to 200x Faster than dial-up! HIGH SPEED HIGHSPEED INTERNET by SATELLITE (Where available) • Starting at $49.99/mo • Available EVERYWHERE! CALL NOW and GO FAST! 1-855-580-7691 Mon - Fri 8am - 11pm • Sat 9am - 8pm • Sun 10am - 6pm EST

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