Sigma Pi - Missouri University of Science & Technology

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Alpha Iota Chapter of Sigma Pi at the University of Missouri Science & Technology

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Fall 2019 THE CROSSING A. I. SP The CROSSING A n exciting new era has begun at Alpha Iota with the opening of our new chapter house this fall. When we started this journey three years ago, we knew alumni and active members would have to pull together and make sacrifices to achieve our goals. I am continually amazed by the response of our brotherhood to the campaign. Through generous donors and volunteers, we fulfilled our long-awaited dream of a new home for the brotherhood we all love. As we move into this new era, the campaign board and AIBA believe it's important to maintain the momentum of alumni support. AIBA added an alumni secretary position to focus on ongoing alumni outreach, communication, and promotion. We will also continue our relationship with Pennington & Co. maintaining our capital campaign and annual fundraising services. I couldn't be prouder of what our brotherhood accomplished over the past three years. Thank you to the undergraduates for all of your effort and cooperation during this transitional period. Through the leadership of our campaign board, we accomplished an ambitious goal and opened a chapter house that will support, strengthen, and sustain Sigma Pi for generations to come. Fraternally, Kurt W. Steinmann '97 Alpha Iota Building Association President (314) 409-6773 A NEW ERA Alpha Iota Opens New Chapter House, Closes Capital Campaign Campaign StatiStiCS total pledged: $1,937,157 donorS: 187 partiCipation rate: 27% W ith the Honoring Our Past, Securing Our Future capital campaign officially coming to a close, I want to thank everyone for the time and energy spent on this endeavor. Your efforts helped give Alpha Iota our new home at 206 E. 12th Street, which has become the envy of all Greek organizations on campus. The new chapter house will serve brothers for generations and has already reconnected and strengthened our alumni base. The AIBA leadership and campaign committee initially set a goal of $1.8 million to undergo a complete teardown and rebuild of the chapter house as opposed to a remodel and expansion of our old home. Passing our goal by raising over $1.9 million speaks volumes to the generosity and support of our alumni, along with the hard work of the AIBA board and campaign committee. After seeing this project through, I am truly grateful to have been part of this undertaking and have never been prouder of my Sigma Pi brothers. Fraternally, Jeff Tottleben '91 Capital Campaign Chairman (314) 852-1910 CAMPAIGN RECAP

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