Sigma Alpha Epsilon - Kansas State University

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Kansas Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity at Kansas State University

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KAnsAs betA chAPter of sigmA AlPhA ePsilon KAnsAs stAte university P.o. box 442100 lAwrence, Ks 66044-2100 RetuRn SeRvice RequeSted THE lion's lore Spring 2019 New Members by the Numbers 30 new members (16 from central/western Kansas; 14 from Kansas City) 93 percent of them played high school sports 3.74 GPA Ernie Barrett '51 Honored at "Mr. K-State" Day O n April 27, the active chapter recognized Ernie Barrett '51, affectionately known as "Mr. K-State," with the dedication of the Ernie Barrett Sports Media Room. Ernie guided the KSU men's basketball team to the 1951 NCAA championship game and was a member of the first team to play in Ahearn Field House. From left: Kansas Beta House Corporation President Steve Lacy '76, KSU Athletic Director Gene Taylor, Ernie Barrett '51, and KSU President Dick Myers '65. u John O. Mosley Award for Fraternity Zeal Nomination u Chapter Achievement u Outstanding Chapter Advisor: John R. Hatfield '77 u Outstanding Chapter Treasurer: William Cocking '21 u Robert C. Cousins Award for Outstanding Recruitment u Outstanding Chapter Scholarship u Achieve top three in grades u Finish first in intramurals u Continue multicultural education u Develop equal opportunity scholarship fund u Continue longstanding philanthropies (Dance Marathon) u Log more than 2,500 hours of community service u Build upon intracommunity relations Kansas Beta Chapter Goals Awards from 163rd ΣΑΕ Anniversary Convention Join us three hours before kickoff for the ΣΑΕ tailgate. We'll be set up at Cat Town (west side of football stadium). This will be a great opportunity to meet the men in the chapter. For questions, please contact Terry Garvert '77 at or (612) 210-5396. We hope to see you there! STAY CONNECTED WITH KANSAS BETA Chapter Website National Website Twitter @sae_ksu Instagram @sae_ksu Kansas Beta Fall Alumni Day Saturday, October 19, 2019 KSU vs. TCU

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