Sigma Chi - Auburn University

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Gamma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Auburn University

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Inside... 2 ank You, Generous Donors 2 In is Sign You Will Conquer 3 Gamma Sigma Wins Colony of the Year 4 Alumni Update 4 Welcome, New Members SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY AT AUBURN UNIVERSITY FALL 2019 THE AUBURN SIG J ust like our colony's journey to re-establish our Gamma Sigma Chapter, the capital campaign to support these new brothers, and many more in the future, has been a tremendous success. In Phase I of the campaign, $176,000 was raised. In Phase II, we have raised $230,506 for a grand total of $406,506. I sincerely thank everyone who has given so generously to this campaign. Our new Brothers are now enjoying the fruits of your investments. Thanks to the House Corporation and Gamma Sigma Foundation, our house truly is a place we can all be proud of. We created the Robert A. Benz White Cross Society (WCS) for donors who in the last year have given at least $1,000 to our foundation. The first celebration for this society will take place at 737 W. Magnolia on Saturday, September 21. Festivities will include a watch party for the Texas A&M game, a celebration of the completion of our house renovations, recognition for those who have made selfless contributions to our success, a report from our brothers about the status of the chapter, and a wonderful meal. Invitations have been sent to WCS members for this event. If you would like to join the WCS, you can do so by committing $1,000. The WCS will live into the future, so membership is an ongoing opportunity. Finally, I would like to especially thank those who have made significant contributions to the campaign. We all appreciate your dedication and commitment to our brotherhood. You will see their names listed on page 2. In Hoc, Fred McCallum '79 Capital Campaign Chairman Capital Campaign a Huge Success Generous Alumni to ank for House Renovations DONATE ONLINE AT

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