Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Fall 2019 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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2 I t's with a heavy heart that I write this remembrance of Dave Bedrosian '81. Dave passed away in August 2019, a few months short of his 60th birthday. Dave was a junior when I pledged Beta, and he was always a larger-than-life character. For each of us, there are usually some upperclassmen who define the Beta House for us, giving us someone to emulate and admire. Dave was one of those people for me. Dave was one of the friendliest guys in the house, always with a smile on his face. He never had an unkind word to say about anyone, and, as you would expect, everyone got along great with Dave. He was a key person for fostering brotherhood during my time at the Chapter House, serving as chorister and later as president. He loved playing games like pinball, foosball, and foursquare. He was a teller of tales, most of which provided entertainment and not veracity. He had an infectious laugh and a large presence, physically and socially. Dave had several nicknames. He was known as Hooks, as in meat hooks, for his foursquare skills and as Bedridden for his ability to sleep through a whole Sunday. When we had occasion to make up some fake names to order things anonymously through the mail, Dave was Ben S. Leepin, of course. Dave was close with his family and friends from home. His biological brothers and high school friends were invited to parties at the Beta House, and we got to know several of them well. Everyone wanted to stay connected with Dave because he made your life happier. Several of us went to his wake to pay our respects and share our stories about Dave one more time. In a moment that would have made Dave smile, we were laughing so hard sharing stories about Dave on the sidewalk outside the funeral home that the staff came outside and told us to move further away because we were drowning out the priest inside. I think the priest was just hearing Dave laugh loudly along with us. Rest in peace, Dave, roll number 734. Yours in _kai_, Mike Feinstein '82 Remembering Dave Bedrosian '81 ank You, Generous Brothers, for Your Contributions! T he generosity of the following Beta Upsilon Brothers has not gone unnoticed, and we thank them for their contributions over the last few years. Their support is the reason our Chapter has achieved great progress and has become an official Chapter once again! Those who donated from 2016 until September 2019 are listed below. If an error has been made in recording your name, we sincerely apologize. If corrections to your giving record are needed, please contact the campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661. Thank you, again, for your loyal support. Anne Moreland Kern In memory of John C. Kern '50 Donn W. Barber '42 John C. Kern '50 Herbert B. Voelcker '51 Frederick W. Weitz '51 Charles G. Beaudette '52 Louis J. Lee '52 Robert F. Law '54 David L. Vogel '54 John T. Sutton '55 Alfred E. Wechsler '55 Robert C. Brigham '56 Ward D. Halverson '56 Robert A. MacDonald Jr. '56 Robert L. Malster '56 Lawrence R. Hoover '57 Robert E. Kersey '57 Samuel R. Fryer Jr. '59 Stephen J. Yeretsky '59 Allan J. MacLaren '60 Richard H. Oeler '60 Gary W. Bickel '61 Philip J. Robinson '61 Alexander G. Ross '61 James S. Draper '62 Harold O. Branson '63 Kent L. Groninger '63 Richard M. Harris '63 Leslie M. Boring Jr. '64 In memory of David H. Koch '62 Jon E. Burkhardt '64 Richard A. Carpenter '64 Michael J. Monsler '64 William G. Roeseler '65 Richard E. Nygren '66 William T. Stewart '69 Bruce A. Lautenschlager '70 Gary L. Gibian '71 Jeffrey C. Murray '71 William H. Preece Jr. '71 Wilford D. Gardner '72 Paul R. Hochfeld '72 Daniel J. Nadler '72 Stevan B. Jovanovich '73 Paul J. Shapiro '74 Stanley J. Shursky '74 Simeon Chow, Ph.D. '77 Lampros M. Fatsis '77 Jerry Cole '78 Robert D. Knecht '78 Herman L. Marshall '78 Thomas A. Hauer '79 Roger W. Lacy '79 Robert E. Harris '81 John C. Kerins '81 Michael G. Feinstein '82 Seth M. Davis '83 Mark P. Bouchard '84 John R. Chisholm '84 Richard C. Steines '84 Michael E. Flanagan '85 Dimitri N. Kazarinoff '85 Raymond A. Mills '85 Kenneth J. Shine '85 Bob Struble '85 In memory of Rob Boye '88 Alexander A. Romeo '86 Marty St. George Lei H. Tung '86 Ken Bryan '88 James S. Cureton '89 Michael P. McGovern '89 Earl J. Watkins '90 John E. Sell '91 Godard K. Abel '93 Frank J. Leibly III '93 Albert G. "Jay" Coulson III '94 Michael W. Miller '96 Chet Reshamwala '01 Mehul P. Shah '02 Kevin T. Chen '05 In memory of Eric R. Scarborough '05

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