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WHAT'S INSIDE 3 Scams 4 Now and then 5 Food Bank Writing Contest 6 Editorial 7 Letters to the Editor 9 Homelessness 9 Restaurants 10 Travelogue 11 The Salvation Army 12 Paul Winer CD & Memorial 14 YPG updates 15 AA Meetings 15 Monsoon tips for drivers 17 Nancy's Kitchen 17 211 16 Puzzles 20 Churches 21 In Memoriam 22 Classifeds 22 Paul Winer's Cartoon • "Quartzsite's FREE Community Paper" • 928-916-4235 WEDNESDAY, July 10, 2019 VOL. 15 # 302 Now in our 1 5 t h YEAR! Alwa y s FREE! ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� N�� Q��������� C������ M������ B������ C��������� � K���� A��� ����� �� �� J���� P����� S������ Quartzsite Town Council appointed two new members Shaking in the desert After two earthquakes shook California, area resi- dents wonder if the "Big One" is coming. Thursday, July 4th a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck near Ridgecrest, CA, which was felt over 300 miles away in Quartzsite, AZ. It was the second tremble in the area, with a 4.2 magnitude quake occurring half an hour be- forehand in the same place, according to data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Then on Friday, July 5th a 7.1 earthquake struck, 11 times the amount of energy of Thursday's quake, striggering gas leakes, power outages, road clo- sures, and fi res. The quake rattled nerves of Quartzsite residents who reported feeling the shaking. The shake, which occurred at 8:19pm local time on Friday, July 5, is the largest quake to occur inside the state of California since 1999, ac- cording to the Los Angeles Times. Earlier this year, KPCC, a public radio station in Southern Cali- fornia, released a new podcast titled "The Big One: Your Survival Guide," aimed at coaching Califor- nians to prepare for a potentially devastating earthquake. To learn more locally, check out the Arizona Emergency Information Network (AzEIN), the State of Ari- zona's offi cial source for emergency updates, preparedness and hazard information, and related resources website: ����� | S������ RAIN G�����-B��� Quartzsite, AZ - During their regular council meeting on June 11, 2019, the Quartzsite Town Council appointed Beverly Cunningham and Karey Amon to fi ll the vacancies of Bruce Swart and Joseph Hagar who re- signed earlier this year. 11 Applications had been received by the May 31, 2019 5:00 p.m. deadline. Two Special Meetings were held on June 4, 2019. During the fi rst meeting Council members entered into executive session to narrow applicants down to four who they wish to interview. At the second meeting on June 4th, Mayor Norm Simpson announced the following criteria was used for consideration of the applicants: Ari- zona Revised Statutes, Local Ordinance, Application Completeness, Participation in Local Government, Community Involvement, Benefi t to the Town, Best Fit, Cohesiveness, and Attendance of Council Meet- ings. The four applicants were Karey Amon, Beverly Cunningham, John "Skip" Gallup and Dennis Kuehl. A Special Meeting held on June 10th the decision to appoint was postponed until the June 11th regular meet- ing at 7pm. New Council Members Cunningham and Amon who were sworn in June 11, 2019 by Magistrate Judge Pamela Shirley. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes § 9-235, the Council shall fi ll a vacancy until the next regularly scheduled Council election as the vacancy occurs more than thirty days before the nomination petition deadline.