Pi Kappa Alpha - Mississippi State University

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Gamma Theta Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Mississippi State University

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4 F or David Mars '70, Gamma Theta just felt like home. "It was just a really good fit. Both my grandfather was a Pike at Emory and father was a Pike at Mississippi State. I felt pretty lucky to be a legacy." David chose to pledge Pike due to his family history, but mostly because it was the "coolest fraternity on campus" and his soon-to-be brothers made him feel the most welcome. David prefers to keep in contact with phone calls and face-to-face visits. Despite being out of the regular social media hype, he keeps in regular contact with his Gamma Theta brothers through yearly reunions and special get-togethers. "I always get a call from a Pike to join in their January duck hunt." David's off-the-grid lifestyle took an inspiring turn in 2009. "I had quit my job and decided to walk to Maine from Atlanta." This 2,178-mile trail is known as the Appalachian Trail, or the A.T. by avid hikers. For five months, David slept and ate on the trail, carrying enough provisions for about a week at a time. On occasion, David would jump off the path for all-you-can-eat food and cozy hotel accommodations. At one point, David confessed, "I got homesick and had been speaking with my son about my grandson's first T-ball game." When David took a week off to see his family, he realized he didn't want to get back on the trail. However, he had already made plans to hop back onto the A.T. in Richmond, Va., and pushed himself go. "I realized that I was not enjoying the hike and had my 'visors' on. Once I took the time to truly take in the incredible journey I was on and all the history that I was walking through, I finally savored every step." David completed his amazing trek on the A.T. in about five months. David also keeps busy within his private pilot career, a profession he learned while at Mississippi State. "I am in my 50th year of flying and have been all over the country." David spends about half of his year in the air and the other half traveling and on the ground. Currently, David pilots a King Air 350i that was manufactured in Wichita, Kan. Throughout his life, David recalls the good times at the chapter house, with Christmas decorating being one of the most memorable. As a man who has traveled most of his life, he reminds undergraduates, "Pay close attention to detail and you can accomplish anything you set your sights on." Learning to work with others is a skill David carries with him from Gamma Theta that has served him over the years. "I had a charmed existence as a young man. I had a ton of friends, I was active in the chapter as vice president my senior year, and made time to participate in sports." David isn't quite done with adventure. Turning 69 this year, he plans on climbing Mount Rainer in August. When he is not in the sky or getting ready for his next land trip, he spends time with his sons and grandsons. To reach David, you can call him on his cell phone at (601) 942-5782. A Brother on the Appalachian Trail David Mars '70 Reflects on His Gamma Theta Brotherhood Front row: Al Walton '66, Tom Webb '66, Charlie Rodgers '67, Tom Walker '66, Tommy Lea '69, Robert Plant '67, and Don Smith '66. Middle row: (seated) Ronny Landrum '67, Sandy Jackson '65, Wyatt Gwin '67, Tom Tyler '66, Harry Lott '69, George Marx '67, and Roger Mason '65. Back row: (standing) George Sherman '70, Jim Jarman '68, Jim Gallaspy '68, Jim Black '68, Tom Brown '70, Buddy Kahler '65, Allen Kitchens '66, Ken Sanbury '65, Frank Gallaher '65, Frank Fillingim '63, Harry Freeman '62, Richard Ellington '67, Tom Raggett '67, Butch Montgomery '57, Andy Johnson '69, Eddie Keith '67, Frankie Box '68, Rodger Johnson '67, and David Ratcliff '66. Not pictured: David Mars '65, Jerry Hill '67, Jimmy Briscoe '68, Nicky Travis '70, and Van Richardson '67. 2019 TOM "BEAR" ANDERTON '67 DUCK HUNT

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