Zeta Chi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha at Missouri State University
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ZXAA AIMS TO KEEP YOU ENGAGED AND INFORMED THE ZETA CHI PIKELINE Spring 2019 ZETA CHI CHAPTER OF PI KAPPA ALPHA AT MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY O n behalf of all volunteers and supporters of the Zeta Chi Alumni Association, I am excited to share the 2018 highlights of our association and our 2019 focus. Zeta Chi Alumni Association 2019 Focus As an association, it is vital that we engage as many alumni as possible. In 2019, we will be implementing an "Era Captains" model to communicate to our alumni base. is approach is about identifying the alumni influencers and leaders who can share information about the association with alumni on a personal level. We want more people engaged. We will continue to utilize our printed mailings, email blasts and Facebook group for communication, but our hope is that the personal touch will drive better attendance at events. We also know that the young alumni are the key to our sustainability as an association. erefore, we are developing programs that target young alumni. We have established a young alumni coordinator position and added new young alumni to our executive committee. We plan to have a membership drive to obtain more young alumni contact information and continue to offer lower cost options for young alumni to participate in the annual campaign. Zeta Chi Continues to Prosper Our 2018 accomplishments are many. I am most proud that we had more than 90 alumni attend the 50/150 Celebration and recognize the success of the Zeta Chi Chapter. Zeta Chi continues to be recognized as a top alumni association by Pike headquarters and we are working hard to ensure this continues. In 2018, we hosted eight alumni events with over 225 alumni in attendance. If you have any ideas or input or would like to volunteer, please contact me at alumni@zetachipikes.com. 2019 Annual Campaign e Zeta Chi Alumni Association is launching our 2019 annual giving program. e campaign resets each year on March 1. Like previous years, we need to raise funds to meet the basic financial needs of our alumni association while doing more to ensure the long-term success of Zeta Chi. Donations go toward the following: n Bring the Zeta Chi Chapter Endowment fund to $10,000 ($2,000 remaining to achieve goal) n Grow leaders in Zeta Chi by sponsoring active brothers to attend Pike University: $1,000 n Fund the ZXAA operational budget, which includes important items, such as maintaining our firetruck, alumni communications, and alumni events: $12,000 Participating in the annual campaign has never been easier, as monthly debits and online payments are now available through our website: www. zetachipikes.com. Fall 2018 pledge class. Lastly, I want to thank all alumni who participated in the annual campaign, attended an event, or volunteered their time for the association. Your support is what fuels this worthy cause. Fraternally, Jeff Counts '90 ZXAA President (636) 675-5890 The Branson Legacy Continues J. Todd Branson '90 Is ankful for Zeta Chi P ledging to Pi Kappa Alpha led J. Todd Branson '90 to a lifetime of brotherhood. Todd's favorite memories are built around his un- dergraduate experiences. "I was president in 1990 and I remem- ber moving into our new house on Elm. e excitement and energy within the active chapter was high." Todd was also given the opportunity to speak at a Pike regional conference and was interviewed by National Headquarters about Zeta Chi's successful recruitment that year. Aer graduating with a B.S. in finance, Todd moved back to Kansas City and took a management position in the grocery business. "As a 22-year-old kid, I used my communication skills and confidence that I developed while at Zeta Chi as I delicately interacted with people twice my age." Aer a few years in the grocery business, Todd decided to (Continued on page 4)