Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Spring 2019 W ith activities on campus remaining strong and stable, I thought I would focus mostly on alumni relations in this newsletter. In essence, I am reaching out to look for feedback on a few topics. First of all, I would like to improve attendance at the various events. Presently, there are three annual events: • Homecoming • Conclave (event in Indianapolis every November for all Indiana chapters, both undergraduate and alumni) • Stag (renewed this year aer an absence, including golf, basketball, skeet shooting, and a cookout with the undergraduates in April) Regarding Homecoming, we have changed the format with a focus on a tailgate near the football stadium. at worked well last fall, and we intend to continue that tradition. is does limit the activities at the house, so of course we still want you to visit 150 Littleton. I would appreciate feedback if there is interest in changing or adding any activities to keep us connected. Next, I would like to upgrade the information on our website. I'm not sure how many of you ever look at the information on, but it's a great way to stay connected. I am also in- terested in enhancing this information. I am re- questing pictures you may have or stories you can share of significance that can be included to pre- serve our history. Pictures could be of the house renovations, missing composites, famous alumni, intramural events, or social events, to name a few. Please email them to me, and I will include them in our archives. In addition, I would appreciate feedback on what information would be of inter- est to you. Be sure to keep your contact informa- tion updated. Finally, on a more serious note, I had the opportu- nity to listen to and speak briefly with the parents of Tim Piazza. Tim was the Beta pledge at Penn State who was tragically killed as a result of an al- cohol hazing incident in 2017. His parents are on a mission to affect change on college campuses. ey visited Purdue recently and provided a mes- sage entitled, "Turning Tragedy into Progress." All fraternities and sororities were required to attend, and I was invited as well. As a Beta and a parent it was a hard story to hear, but I commend them for speaking out. With the Greek system under scru- tiny as a result of incidents like this, we have to be vigilant in preventing future tragedies. At Beta Mu I don't see this conduct happening, but we have open communication with the undergraduates on risk management issues and are committed to a safe en- vironment for our members. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President Jack Skinner '22, Eli Hostetler '22, Cole Walchle '21, Curran Adamson '21, and Vinny Ferrari '21 with Purdue's Grand Prix cart for the spring pre-season race. Beta Mu Focuses on Improving Alumni Relations B eta Mu Chapter of Beta eta Pi has seen continued success this se- mester. As an executive board, we have emphasized doing your part as a brother, and encouraged an environment where brothers can be together via many outlets. Brotherhood meals on Friday nights, philanthro- py events, community service options, and social events are just some of the ways we have done so this semester. RECRUITMENT At the beginning of this semester, we initiated 30 new members from our recruitment in the fall semester. ese new members have added positively to our Chapter, taking leadership roles in committees and dish crew to con- tribute to the house even without being a live-in member. PHILANTHROPY So far this spring, we have seen a huge involvement in philanthropy from our brotherhood. Philanthropy Chairmen Jake Irvin '20 and Leo Wro- blewski '21 have been heavily involved in forming an act for Zeta Tau Alpha's national philanthropy, BMOC. e philanthropy raises money for BROTHERHOOD REMAINS TOP PRIORITY AT BETA MU Breast Cancer Education and Awareness, and is a talent show competition between Greek chapters. We have a group of brothers working hard to make this a great performance, and the rest of our Chapter will be sure to show our support. SOCIAL Outside of philanthropy, we have been doing well in brotherhood events and social events. Every spring we have a paintball event that brothers love to (Continued on page 2)

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