Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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2 Donn W. Barber '42 John C. Kern '50 Herbert B. Voelcker '51 Frederick W. Weitz '51 Louis J. Lee '52 Robert F. Law '54 David L. Vogel '54 John T. Sutton '55 Alfred E. Wechsler '55 Robert C. Brigham '56 Ward D. Halverson '56 Robert A. MacDonald Jr. '56 Robert L. Malster '56 Lawrence R. Hoover '57 Robert E. Kersey '57 William H. Austin Jr. '58 Edwin C. Bell '58 Samuel R. Fryer Jr. '59 Stephen J. Yeretsky '59 Allan J. MacLaren '60 Richard H. Oeler '60 Gary W. Bickel '61 Philip J. Robinson '61 Alexander G. Ross '61 James S. Draper '62 Richard L. Horttor '62 Harold O. Branson '63 Kent L. Groninger '63 Richard M. Harris '63 Jon E. Burkhardt '64 Richard A. Carpenter '64 Michael J. Monsler '64 William G. Roeseler '65 Richard E. Nygren '66 William T. Stewart '69 Bruce A. Lautenschlager '70 Gary L. Gibian '71 Jeffrey C. Murray '71 William H. Preece Jr. '71 Wilford D. Gardner '72 Daniel J. Nadler '72 Stevan B. Jovanovich '73 Paul J. Shapiro '74 Stanley J. Shursky '74 Simeon Chow, Ph.D. '77 Lampros M. Fatsis '77 Jerry L. Cole '78 Robert D. Knecht '78 Herman L. Marshall '78 omas A. Hauer '79 Paul B. Rothman '80 John C. Kerins '81 Michael G. Feinstein '82 Alan L. Laves '82 Seth M. Davis '83 John R. Chisholm '84 Richard C. Steines '84 Michael E. Flanagan '85 Dimitri N. Kazarinoff '85 Kenneth J. Shine '85 Robert J. Struble '85 In memory of Rob Boye '88 Martin J. St. George '86 Alexander A. Romeo '86 Lei H. Tung '86 Kendall R. Bryan '88 Michael P. McGovern '89 James S. Cureton '90 John E. Sell '91 Godard K. Abel '93 Frank J. Leibly III '93 Albert G. "Jay" Coulson III '94 Michael W. Miller '96 Chetak Reshamwala '01 Mehul P. Shah '02 Kevin T. Chen '05 In memory of Eric R. Scarborough '05 Ryan P. Luersen '09 T he generosity of the following Beta Upsilon Brothers has not gone unnoticed, and we thank them for their contributions over the last few years. eir support is the reason our Chapter has achieved great progress in the pursuit of becoming an official Chapter once again. ose who donated from 2016 until early 2019 are listed below. If an error has been made in recording your name, we sincerely apologize. If corrections to your giving record are needed, please contact the campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661. ank you, again, for your loyal support. Beta Upsilon's Success Is anks to You! Y ou could say Ben Judge '11 was always destined to become an entrepreneur, but what you couldn't have predicted was how Beta eta Pi and MIT would influence his ideas. Aer getting connected to Beta Upsilon at CPW as a freshman, Ben discovered shared interests in music and sports with the Brothers, which cemented his decision to join. "It was nice to work with the group and have the freedom to make the House and the culture our own, independent of what was happening at school," he shared. Ben got into biking with a Beta Brother while at MIT, and shortly aer into mountain biking and taking longer tours. "Tricks I picked up from the bike world went into the design of prototypes of off-road wheelchairs as a Mech E UROP and into grad school." is eventually led to the startup of the off-road wheelchair company, GRIT, where Ben is the CTO today. He wears many different hats, from product development to talking to stakeholders to engineering and development. "It's nice to still get to turn screws while concurrently working on future product vision," Ben explained. GRIT has taken a stale market and given wheelchair users more mobility, more access, and a better quality of life. ey have received incredible feedback from customers such as, "It's not a chair, it is my long-distance legs," which makes the grunt work more rewarding for Ben. e company's Freedom Chair has even been announced as the official chair of Para Spartan obstacle races for 2019. Although his successes are great, Ben remains humble and thankful for his beginnings at MIT and Beta Upsilon. "While it was once rallying brothers to do house cleanup, now I'm inspiring a team aer challenges," he expressed. "at state of mind has stayed with me to get people with different priorities on the same page and motivated to move together." Ben's greatest advice? "Break stuff—by being comfortable breaking and failing in smaller experiments and more frequently, your usable takeaways are gained more quickly." You can connect with Ben at ENTREPRENEUR, INNOVATOR, AND BROTHER How Ben Judge '11 Went from Beta Upsilon to CTO

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