Sigma Chi - Auburn University

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Gamma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Auburn University

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Attention: is newsletter is intended for alumni and parents. If your son is still attending Auburn University, he will receive a copy at the chapter house. If he has graduated, please send us his permanent address. ank you. Are You Following Us? Sigma Chi at Auburn University @AuburnSigmaChi @auburnsigmachi f f l i Gamma Sigma Alumni of Sigma Chi, Inc. P.O. Box 2367 Auburn, AL 36831-2367 Address Service Requested THE AUBURN SIG Sigma Chi Gamma Colony Installation Saturday, April 6, 2019 INITIATION Auburn United Methodist Church | 10 a.m. LUNCH 17-16 Restaurant | 12 p.m. 154 E Magnolia Ave, Auburn, Alabama 36830 BANQUET Marriott Grand National Cocktails 6 p.m. | Banquet 7 p.m. | Band 8 p.m. Purchase banquet tickets online at CHAPTER ETERNAL T. Drew Ragan '56 entered Chapter Eternal in 2014. "I'm so happy to hear that the Gamma Sigma Chapter is resuming operations. My father enjoyed his years there as a student, and then as an adviser," Drew's son, Robert, shares. ALUMNI NEWS James W. Fitzpatrick Jr. '42 was active duty in the military from 1942-64 and in the Army reserve from 1946-55. He spent his working career with major industrial engineering companies until his retirement in 2003. He and Ruth were married since 1948 until her death in 2009. James and Ruth had one son, James. Tom O. Fuller '52 is retired and living in England. Tom recalls that he and three Auburn ROTC graduates were sent to the 52nd field artillery battalion in Japan in 1953. After a few months of intensive training, they were sent to Korea and it took them almost a week to arrive. "We were alerted to go to the front line. President Eisenhower and North Korean leaders realized that three Auburn guys would muddle up their war, so they agreed on a cease fire effective July 27, 1953." After a few weeks, the men were sent to perform guard duty at a POW camp near Pusan. Tom was an officer every third day and third night. Eventually, Tom returned to Alabama and became off-duty but stayed in the reserves. Alan C. Stone '61 was in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1961-'68; an airline pilot from 1968-1997; an NTSB accident investigator from 1997-2003; and an aircraft accident investigator from 2003 until his retirement in 2016. He lives in Miami, Fla. E-mail: Jerre W. Feagin Jr. '66 retired after 45 years as an Episcopal priest. He moved to Colorado to live with his daughter and her family, which includes two grandsons. He lives in Loveland, Colo. E-mail: Martin T. Jackson '83 was a head high school football coach for 27 years. Before coaching, Martin was a graduate assistant at Auburn University and an assistant coach at two universities. He now works as athletic director at Grovetown High School. He and his wife, Penny, have two grandchildren and live in Evans, Ga. Kevin S. Cleary '85 says his son, Brett, graduated from AU in 2017 and his daughter, Courtney, is a senior planning to graduate from the university in 2019. KC lives in Brownsboro, Ala. E-mail: Alumni Update SAVE THE DATE

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