Sigma Chi - Auburn University

Spring 2019 Newsletter

Gamma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity at Auburn University

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Inside... 2 Alumni Spotlights 3 Sigma Chi Gamma Colony Prepares for April Installation 4 Save the Date SIGMA CHI FRATERNITY AT AUBURN UNIVERSITY SPRING 2019 THE AUBURN SIG A s a result of many dedicated alumni, and 39 outstanding colony members that you will read about in this newsletter, we are headed toward an April reinstallation of the Gamma Sigma Chapter of Sigma Chi and rehabitation of our house at 737 W. Magnolia this fall. Alumni have been working to raise the funds necessary to renovate the house and provide funding needed to support the scholarship and leadership needs of the chapter. We are currently in Phase II of this campaign. In Phase I we raised $176,000. In Phase II we have raised $75,000, for a total of $246,900. While we are grateful for all contributions we have received, we are far short of reaching our $500,000 goal. We need everyone's help to provide our new brothers with a first-class house and to support their scholastic and leadership programs. As you will see in this newsletter, our colony members have made great strides in a short period of time to become a leadership example to the Auburn Greek system. The house needs renovations to the interior and exterior prior to the brothers coming back in the fall. Specific details of the campaign, including the renovations that have to be made to the house, can be found at our website,, on the capital campaign tab. I sincerely believe that most our lives have been significantly enriched by our Sigma Chi experience, while at Auburn and beyond. It is time for us to step up and ensure that this experience continues to enrich the lives of young men for years to come. They need our support at this critical time, so please consider a tax-deductible gift to the Sigma Chi Foundation at Auburn University Inc. You can donate online through PayPal at the website above, or you can send your check directly to me at 2110 Longleaf Trail, Vestavia, AL 35243. Thank you for your help, Fred McCallum '79, Campaign Chairman Phase II of the Capital Campaign Is Continuing Make an Impact Today Colony members and pledges following the pinning ceremony in fall 2018. DONATE ONLINE AT

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