Up & Coming Weekly

February 05, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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22 UCW FEBRUARY 6-12, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM Hope Mills News & Views Get Twisted Yoga offering good vibrations by EARL VAUGHAN JR. Get Twisted Yoga on Trade Street in Hope Mills has taken the words of The Beach Boys' hit "Good Vibrations" to a new level. The staff offer a specialized kind of relaxation using crystal singing bowls. In short, music provid - ed by different tones each bowl plays is designed to help get the body in harmony with the surround- ing world. Kyle Jackson, who operates the 1910 Apothecary at the same location as Get Twisted Yoga, described it as vibrational healing that has been around for thousands of years, dating back to the monks of Tibet. "Each crystal singing bowl has its own tone and unique sound,'' Jackson said. The bowls come in var - ious sizes, going down as small as a cereal bowl and as large as a punch bowl. "There are lots of different shapes and sizes,'' he said. "They are a little bit differ- ent in design and a bit taller than they are wide.'' The bowls are also made of different materials. Some are metal. Some are crystal. The bowls are usually empty, although sometimes water is placed into them to change the tone each one makes. In trying to explain exactly what the vibrational healing is about, Jackson said everything in the world, from fixed structures to people, has its own vibration. "Using different things that have dif - ferent types of tones can bring harmony to those vibrations, including people and spaces,'' he said. "It's like doing a reset of their personal vibration.'' Get Twisted Yoga is planning to schedule vibra - tional healing sessions starting in March. The initial plan is to hold them on Saturdays and ask those participating to make a donation for each session rather than setting a flat fee to start. The sessions will be led by Gina Currie of Raeford, a certified yoga instructor. Each session at Get Twisted Yoga will be limited to 20 people because that's as many people as the studio can handle once everyone is in place on a yoga mat. Jackson said no previous yoga experience is needed to take part in a vibrational healing session. "We get you in the studio and get you relaxed,'' Jackson said. That simply involves get - ting everyone in a comfortable position on the floor on a yoga mat. "We adjust them and make sure they have blan- kets or whatever they might need to be comfort- able,'' Jackson said. "There's a little guided medita- tion at the beginning. Gina gives an explanation of the purpose and what those participating may or may not experience, and then she begins playing the singing bowls. "We want to make this available to everybody who would like to try it,'' Jackson said, adding they plan to offer it at least once a quarter if demand continues. Kimberly Ratcliffe is a Get Twisted Yoga client who recently took part in a demonstration of vibra - tional healing. A 20-year veteran of the U.S. Army, she said it's a good treatment for anyone involved in a high stress lifestyle. "You can walk into a yoga studio or class like this and quiet your mind, come out of that class and be completely refreshed,'' she said. "I think that's what a lot of people need to understand.'' For more information about the vibrational heal - ing sessions, visit the Get Twisted Yoga page on Facebook or go to www.1910apothecaryyoga.com. Jackson is also available by phone at 910-835-6833. EARL VAUGHAN JR., Senior Staff Writer. COMMENTS? EarlUCWS- ports@gmail.com. 910-364-6638. Gina Currie (left) is a certified yoga instructor who offers singing crystal bowl vibrational healing sessions at Get Twisted Yoga, located on Trade Street (right). Kyle Jackson NEWS

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