Up & Coming Weekly

February 05, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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12 UCW FEBRUARY 6-12, 2019 WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM When people think of North Caro- lina, wine and chocolate aren't always the first things that come to mind, but there are plenty of vintners, chocolat- iers and other specialty vendors with big flavors to share. Big Dog Events and Galaxy Events present the Wine and Chocolate Festival Saturday, Feb. 16, from 1-4 p.m. and 5-8 p.m. at the Crown Complex. "e purpose of the event is to educate the consumer on the different local wines and chocolates that are available within North Carolina," said Amanda Knepp, general manager and event producer for Big Dog Events. "e event is a taste of wines from across the Carolinas — and there will be chocolatiers, sauces, jams, jellies, spreads, gourmet treats and honey." Knepp added that Fayetteville Tech- nical Community College's culinary students and instructors will have an interactive display featuring premiere chocolate. A representative from the Chocolate Monkey will walk participants through a chocolate tasting that includes sev- eral different types of delectables. She will explain the different hints of flavors that are in the chocolate. ere will also be boutiques, shop- ping, jewelry, makeup and more. Jew- elry and artisans will sell their wares. "is is a festival for men and women," said Knepp. "We are working with our friends at the Center for Empowerment and Economic Development, and they will talk with patrons about what (their organization does) in the community." Knepp added that CEED's goal is to raise funds for a shared commissary and kitchen space in Fayetteville for local chefs, growers and farmers. One dollar from every bottle of wine sold at the festival will be donated to CEED. "Fayetteville has been so welcom- ing, supportive and friendly. We are looking forward to the festival on the 16th," said Knepp. Advanced tickets cost $35 until Feb. 15 and $40 the day of the show. ere is a 10 percent military discount. e tick- et includes all wine and food samples and a complimentary tasting glass. For more information, visit www.wineandchocolatefestivals.com. Wine and Chocolate Festival brings local flavors to the Crown by DR. SHANESSA FENNER EVENT DR. SHANESSA FENNER, Prin- cipal, WT Brown Elementary School. COMMENTS? Editor@upandcom- ingweekly.com. 910-484-6200. The Wine and Chocolate Festival features two sessions, each showcasing North Carolina wines, chocolates and more.

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