Up & Coming Weekly

January 29, 2019

Up and Coming Weekly is a weekly publication in Fayetteville, NC and Fort Bragg, NC area offering local news, views, arts, entertainment and community event and business information.

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WWW.UPANDCOMINGWEEKLY.COM 14 UCW JANUARY 30-FEBRUARY 5, 2019 Fayetteville Sym- phony Orchestra presents "Love is in the Air" at Huff Concert Hall, Methodist University. The Music Nerd speaks at 6:45 p.m. Concert begins at 7:30 p.m. Call 910-433-4690 for tickets and information. State Park Hiking Chal- lenge Day Trip to Umstead State Park and Falls Lake State Recreation Area. 8 a.m.-5 p.m. $5. Call 910-433- 1018 to register. Dancing Stories with April C. Turner at the Museum of the Cape Fear. Learn about the music, dance and culture of West Africa. Free. Call 910-500-4240 for details. North Carolina Sympho- ny's Tchaikovsky Serenade at Methodist University. 8 p.m. Call 877-627-6724 for details. Fayetteville Marksmen at the Crown. Puck drops at 6 p.m. Call 910-321-0123 for tickets and information. "Leaving Slavery: The story of the Haitian Revolu- tion and its influence on the Civil War" at Fayetteville State University's Rudolph Jones Center. 6 p.m. Free. For more information, email hankparfitt@em- barqmail.com or visit www. lafayettesociety.org . Young Artist Virtuoso — Fay- etteville Chamber Or- chestra at Berean Baptist Church. 4 p.m. Free. Search the event on Facebook for details. Treasures of Carolina: Stories from the State Archives through March 31 at the Museum of the Cape Fear. Free. Call 910-500-4243 for gallery hours. Mezzo Soprano Manna KnJoi pre- sented by Friends of Music at Methodist University. 7:30 p.m. Call 910-630-7100 for tickets and information. "Doubt" at Gilbert Theater through Feb. 17. Visit www.gilberttheater.com for tickets and information. Sweet Tea Shakespeare presents "Sweeney Todd" at Fayetteville Pie Company through Feb. 3. Tickets cost $45. Call 910-420-4383 for tickets and information. Cape Fear Regional Theatre presents "Annie" through Feb. 24. Visit cfrt.org for tickets. "Gallery Goes Pop: Warhol" featuring the works of Andy Warhol at the Da- vid McCune International Art Gallery, Methodist Uni- versity. Open- ing reception 6:30-9:30 p.m. Exhibit remains on display through April 12. Call 910- 425-5379 for gallery hours. Valentine's Day: Story & Art Time at Partnership for Children of Cumberland County. 10:30 a.m. Free and open to the public. Registration required. Call 910-826-3044 to register. Cape Fear Regional Theatre presents "Annie" through Feb. 24. Visit cfrt.org for tickets. "Doubt" at Gilbert Theater through Feb. 17. Visit www.gilberttheater.com for tickets and information. The Airborne & Special Opera- tions Museum is home to exhibits that honor and preserve the legendary feats of the airborne and special operations troops. Open Tuesday through Saturday, 10 a.m- 5 p.m. and Sunday, noon- 5 p.m. Visit asomf.org for details. Yoga in the Garden at Cape Fear Botanical Gar- den. 6-7 p.m. Call 910-486- 0221 for more information. Winter Reading and Activity Program at Headquarters Library through Jan. 31. This pro- gram is designed to keep reading over the wintery season fun and rewarding. All ages welcome. Find out more at www.cumberland. lib.nc.us/ccplsite. BULLETIN BOARD WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 9 10 Cumberland Parks and Rec- reation Lacrosse registration for girls 3rd-8th grades runs through Feb. 14. Sign up at your local Parks and Recre- ation office. Email fayettevilleflames@gmail.com for more information. School Angels program offers the community the opportu- nity to become involved at the school level. Training will be provided. Contact your school principal or Kenneth McKin- non (School Watch facilitator 910-678-2457) or apply online at www.ccsvolunteers.com. School Angels volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and be able to pass a back- ground check. 1 Million Cups at FTCC every Wednesday at 9 a.m. in Gen- eral Classroom Building Room 114. Visit 1millioncups.com/ fayetteville for details. Liberty Hospice Services is seeking volunteers to spend one hour weekly with a hos- pice patient. Contact Tammy Taylor at 910-864-9210. The Fayetteville Breast Cancer Support Group meets on the third Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at Advanced Physi- cal Therapy Solutions, 501 Executive Pl. (behind Harris Teeter). Email fayetteville- sisterinscars@gmail.com for information. USO of NC is seeking dedi- cated volunteers for three loca- tions: Soldier Support Center, Warrior Transition Battalion, and Fayetteville Regional Airport. Volunteer application is online at volunteers.uso.org The Retired Military Asso- ciation and Auxiliary meet the second Friday of each month at noon for a potluck lunch and a meeting. Call 910-486-9398 for details. Better Health of Cumberland County at 1422 Bragg Blvd. of- fers free classes about diabe- tes every Tuesday 8 a.m.-noon and every Thursday 5-7 p.m. Call 910-483-7534 for details. 6 WHAT'S UP AND COMING 8 2 31 3 30 1 FORT BRAGG/POPE A.A.F. 7 Fort Bragg Protestant Women of the Chapel meets Tuesdays 9-11:30 a.m. at All-American Chapel, 7242 Ardennes St. For all women military ID card holders, active duty or depen- dent. Free watchcare. Learn more at www.facebook.com/ FortBraggPWOC. The Bragg N Barn Thrift Shop on Fort Bragg is accepting applications for Spring Welfare Grants from organizations assisting our military com- munity. All applications must be received or postmarked by Feb. 28 and addressed to P.O. Box 70084, Fort Bragg, N.C., 28307. For more information, call 907-4053 or visit www. braggnbarn.weebly.com Frame and Design Arts offers framing, engraving, embroidery and more. Call 910-394-4192 for more information. Fort Bragg Auto Skills Centers provide bays with lifts, tools and data software or hard copy instructions for vehicle repair. There are certified technicians on hand. Call 910-394-2293 or 396-8665 for details. The Fort Bragg Clay Target Center is located at 651 E. Manchester Rd. Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday through Sunday. Call 910-436-9489 for more information. Suicide Prevention information here. Fort Bragg Help Line: 910-396-HELP (4357). Nation- al Suicide Hotline: 1-800-sui- cide, 800-784-2433. National Lifeline: 800-273-TALK (8255).

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