North Carolina Mason
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Michael Harding photos The Mason Official Publication of e Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of North Carolina Volume 143 Number 6 Oxford, North Carolina November/December 2018 NORTH CAROLINA ■ see INSTALL page 2 By Beth Grace Mason Editor At precisely 10 a.m. on Dec. 1, a state worker scrambled to the top of the state capital in Raleigh and hoisted a North Carolina flag. If you were watching, it would probably have looked like any other day. You couldn't have known that it was a special moment for North Carolina's 36,000-plus Freemasons. e flag was raised that rainy Saturday in honor of a man who at that exact moment, some 170 miles to the west, was being installed as North Carolina's 166th Grand Master of Masons. Before a capacity crowd that filled the Old Post Office Playhouse in the heart of Newton, NC, Dwight MacLauchlin "Mack" Sigmon placed his right hand over his heart and promised to faithfully, honestly, and impartially perform the duties of Grand Master of Masons. "You have been selected by your brethren to occupy the highest and most exalted position in Freema- sonry, an office which carries with it all the power and authority to rule and govern the Craft without dictation or pres- sure from any source," said Installing Grand Officer Robert Gresham. "By immemorial usage and the irrevocable landmarks of Masonry, you are invested, as Grand Master of Masons, with powers and preroga- tives which are well-nigh absolute, but this office also carries with it tremendous responsibilities. "You will not only rule and govern, but you must also be the servant of all. Upon your shoulders will rest the grave responsibility of seeing that peace and harmony prevail at all times; that the ancient landmarks, customs, and usages of the Craft are carefully preserved; that no innovations are allowed to interrupt the peace and good fellowship which must prevail in the Fraternity if it is to continue to command the trust and respect of all men everywhere." e installation ceremony carried many special symbols and memories for the new Grand Master. Brothers of his lodge, Catawba #248, served as pro tempore Grand Lodge officers, and the lodge provided the Bible on the altar, square, compasses and staffs. Sophia #767, the first traditional observance lodge chartered in North Carolina and where the new Grand Master is a charter member, served as ushers. At stage left, a candle burned in memory of brothers and mentors now gone, but who played a special role in the new Grand Master's Masonic journey, which began in 1975. "ere are many more Masons in my life not mentioned here, no longer with us, that I am glad our paths crossed. I thank each of them for the positive influence they had on my life during our time together. He also gathered an historic assemblage of past Grand Masters – Grand Masters under whom he has served – as installing officers: PGMs Bob Gresham (who appointed him Newly installed Grand Master Dwight M. "Mack" Sigmon gives the closing charge before dismissing the crowd at the installation ceremony. ‛I am glad our paths crossed' Sigmon installed as our 166th Grand Master