Beta Theta Pi - Purdue University

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Beta Mu Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Purdue University

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BETA MU LINK B E T A T H E T A P I A T P U R D U E U N I V E R S I T Y • W W W . P U R D U E B E T A . C O M Fall 2018 T he Beta Mu Chapter and Beta eta Pi Fraternity continue to be or- ganizations in transition, both moving in positive directions. For the General Fraternity, bold steps were taken last summer at the annual convention. e event's theme was "A Courage to Lead," and under that mindset the group added a substance-free housing policy into the official Risk Management Policy. Although it doesn't affect us as we are already dry, we are convinced substance-free fraternity housing is the future of the Greek community, and the health, safety, and well-being of our men must remain Beta's number one priority. It was also at that convention where I met Brother Dave ompson '65, who has taken his Beta Mu spirit to North Carolina where he has been giving back and helped both High Point and Elon University to become new chapters of the Fraternity. I am hum- bled by his service to our good and great Fraternity. Speaking of alumni doing good things, this year's Homecoming celebra- tion was highlighted by the Oxford Cup award being presented to Philip Nelson '56. Joining other Beta Mu Oxford Cup winners John Wooden '32 and Stephen Bechtel Jr. '47, Brother Nelson received the highest honor bestowed upon Beta alumni. Philip has previously been awarded the World Food Prize, the "Nobel Prize" for Food Sciences. e Food Science Building that he helped design at Purdue was renamed in his honor as the Philip E. Nelson Hall of Food Science. is year's Homecoming also featured a tail- gate near the stadium during and aer the game. It was very popular and something we plan to continue in the future. For the Chapter, the undergraduates have continued to thrive one year af- ter getting the charter back. ey've maintained their status as having one of the top GPAs for fraternities. ey are taking advantage of leadership opportunities on campus and involved in multiple community service and philanthropic endeavors. ey are a great group of young men and repre- sent us well in West Lafayette. Of course, sustainability remains as a priority. Yours in _kai_, Tom Hoover '82 Beta Mu House Corporation President Beta Makes Great Strides Nationally and at Purdue General Fraternity President Bob Schnese, Wiscon- sin '83, with Oxford Cup winner Philip Nelson '56. Philip Nelson '56 giving his acceptance speech. Tom Krajewski '81, Bill Moss '81, Rob McKay '81, and Jay Merrell '82 tailgating aer the Homecoming game. John Tyrpin '94, Ryan Kratz '95, and Scott Attar '91 enjoying the Beta Mu Homecoming tailgate. Brothers from the late 1980s and early '90s bonding at a Boilermaker tailgate.

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