Beta Theta Pi - MIT

Fall 2018 Newsletter

Beta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Theta Pi Fraternity at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

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2 Albert O. Wilson Jr. '38 Donn W. Barber '42 Lewis K. Johnson '43 John C. Kern '50 Herbert B. Voelcker '51 Arthur A. Wasserman '51 Frederick W. Weitz '51 Louis J. Lee '52 Gene T. McCoy '53 Robert F. Law '54 John T. Sutton '55 Alfred E. Wechsler '55 R. G. Black '56 Robert C. Brigham '56 Ward D. Halverson '56 Robert L. Malster '56 Lawrence R. Hoover '57 Robert E. Kersey '57 William H. Austin Jr. '58 Edwin C. Bell '58 Samuel R. Fryer Jr. '59 Stephen J. Yeretsky '59 Allan J. MacLaren '60 Richard H. Oeler '60 Gary W. Bickel '61 Philip J. Robinson '61 Alexander G. Ross '61 James S. Draper '62 Richard L. Horttor '62 Kent L. Groninger '63 Richard M. Harris '63 Leslie M. Boring Jr. '64 Jon E. Burkhardt '64 Richard A. Carpenter '64 Michael J. Monsler '64 William G. Roeseler '65 William T. Stewart '69 Bruce A. Lautenschlager '70 Gary L. Gibian '71 Jeffrey C. Murray '71 William H. Preece Jr. '71 Wilford D. Gardner '72 Daniel J. Nadler '72 Norman E. Johnson '73 Robert J. Tronnier '73 Paul J. Shapiro '74 Stanley J. Shursky '74 Simeon Chow, Ph.D. '77 Lampros M. Fatsis '77 Robert T. Wargo '77 Jerry L. Cole '78 Robert D. Knecht '78 omas A. Hauer '79 Roger W. Lacy '79 Paul B. Rothman '80 Michael G. Feinstein '82 David A. Krall '82 Alan L. Laves '82 Seth M. Davis '83 John R. Chisholm '84 Richard C. Steines '84 Michael E. Flanagan '85 Sang Hoon Han '85 Dimitri N. Kazarinoff '85 Kenneth J. Shine '85 Robert J. Struble '85 Martin J. St. George '86 Alexander A. Romeo '86 Lei H. Tung '86 Kendall R. Bryan '88 Michael P. McGovern '89 James S. Cureton '90 Daniel Moriarty '90 John E. Sell '91 Godard K. Abel '93 Frank J. Leibly III '93 Christian D. Hamer '94 Andrew Mutch III '98 Chetak Reshamwala '01 Ryan P. Luersen '09 BETA BROTHERS MAKE A DIFFERENCE T hank you to the following Beta Upsilon brothers who have contributed to the Chapter in recent years. ey have shown their appreciation by supporting the future of Beta eta Pi at MIT. e success of Beta Upsilon is directly attributed to the generous support it is receiving. ose who donated in 2016-18 are listed below. If an error has been made in recording your name, we sincerely apologize. If corrections to your giving record are needed, please contact the campaign coordinator at (785) 843-1661. ank you, again, for your loyal support. Add your name to our list of contributors by returning the return envelope inserted in this newsletter or donating online at Join Our List of Loyal Donors Today V enturing through the doors beneath the bold, red MARKETVIEW LIQUOR sign, you'll be bombarded with a multitude of selections. Amongst the shelves of the Rochester, N.Y., liquor store sits an intriguing bottle of golden liquor: Tambour Origi- nal. Only stocked in a handful of locations throughout the U.S., having this African spirit available for sale in his hometown is quite the feat for creator of Tambour Original, Jake Muhleman '08. "When we sold our first bottle in the U.S. that was a big moment," he said. "en we started selling in the largest liquor store in my hometown and it was very cool to be able to share my liquor with friends I grew up with in Rochester." As the days and weeks progress, Jake's product is being placed in more stores throughout the East Coast. Although there are countless complexi- ties working in a developing country and with importing/exporting regula- tions between countries, for Jake, the higher the risk, the higher the reward. e reward? A growing inventory in the U.S. and winning the 2015 silver medal at e San Francisco World Spirits Competition, the largest, most in- fluential international spirits competition in America. "I've always wanted to start a business," he said. "On a personal level, I'm allergic to hops, and had a general interest in this field for a while. I get to combine my engineer- ing and business backgrounds." e idea behind the cra came aer Jake was connected to Africa through his business partner and former UCLA sailing teammate, who was part of the Peace Corps. As his partner was finishing up his service as Jake com- pleted his MBA, they decided to start the company together in 2012. "I re- ally thought the palm liquor in Africa was interesting and deserved a place in the world market," Jake said. "Now, we're based in West Africa and selling locally and regionally." What makes Tambour Original so special? It takes Sodabi (the traditional drink in West Africa) to a whole new level. Tambour Original is a finely craed palm liquor from the coastline of Benin, West Africa, that is twice- distilled and infused with a blend of 14 tropical flavors and spices. e liquor is currently on shelves in New York, Washington, D.C., and Maryland, and a D.C. retailer will ship to 40 different states. If you'd like to learn more about the history of Sodabi, where Tambour Original is sold, and discover cocktails the liquor pairs nicely with, visit Born in Africa, Celebrated in the U.S. Alumnus Brings African-crafted Liquor to the States

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